In addition to using the ENFCT CAIENF parameter to start the component trace, you can also start the trace manually. You can also start a trace when a previous trace was stopped. Use the z/OS TRACE CT command:
TRACE CT,ON,COMP=component
The following code generates a WTOR:
R nn,[,OPTIONS=()][,ASID=()] [,JOBNAME=()] [,WTR=writer|DISCONNECT]
The Start/Stop routine accepts these options:
PAUSE RESUME ENAble|ENAble(trcid) option 1 DISable|DISable(trcid) option 1 MODify(trcid) option 1 LIST|LIST(trcid) STATUS
Option 1:
EIDG(eidg, eidg, ...eidg) XEIDG(eidg, eidg, ...eidg) XAJ LIMIT(max)
Where trcid is the trace set id and eidg is the event ID group.
PAUSE internally pauses tracing. RESUME resumes tracing. This parameter lets TRACE CT commands be issued to update the trace sets while not internally collecting trace data.
If a trace set ID is specified and it exists, it is updated and the status is changed to enabled or disabled. If the trace set ID does not exist, a new trace set is created and its status is set to enabled or disabled. If the trace set ID is not specified, a trace set ID is generated, a trace set created, and its status set to enabled or disabled. Specifying ASID= or JOBNAME= rebuilds the filtering criteria.
The trace set ID must exist. The specified trace set is updated. Specifying ASID= or JOBNAME= rebuilds the filtering criteria.
If the trace set ID is not specified, all defined trace sets are displayed.
Displays the status whether tracing is active or inactive, paused or not paused, and the events being traced.
For ENABLE, DISABLE, and MODIFY, this parameter designates the Event ID Groups (for instance, E1 and P1 are groups) to be traced.
For MODIFY, this parameter designates the Event ID Groups to be removed from the list of Event ID Groups to be traced.
For ENABLE, DISABLE and MODIFY this parameter indicates that the ASID= and JOBNAME= specifications are excluded ASIDs and JOBNAMEs. Specifying XAJ without ASID= or JOBNAME= resets any filtering that is based on address space.
For ENABLE, DISABLE, and MODIFY, this parameter indicates the maximum number of times the data is collected for that trace set. A value of zero indicates that no limit is in effect (can undo a previous specification). The maximum value is 16,000,000. By default, no limit is in effect.
This command syntax can also be used to start the trace manually to use the options in the CTEENF00 parms member:
ID |
Event ID Group |
E1 |
Event Creation for events other than STEPTERM and DSCLOSE |
E2 |
Event Creation for the STEPTERM event |
E3 |
Event Creation for the DSCLOSE event |
P1 |
Event dispatch, delivery and freeing for events other than STEPTERM and DSCLOSE |
P2 |
Event dispatch, delivery and freeing for the STEPTERM event. |
P3 |
Event dispatch, delivery and freeing for the DSCLOSE event. |
L1 |
Init or term request, abnormal termination of a listener request, DATA request and request for checkpointing |
C1 |
Checkpoint processing and checkpoint reload. |
To stop an active trace that is using the ENFXWTR task, issue these z/OS commands:
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