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CAIENF Component Trace

A sample PROC, ENFXWTR, is provided in CAI.CAW0PROC, which invokes the IBM external writer ITTTRCWR. For editing, see the IBM guide Diagnostic Tools and Service Aids. The PROC must be available for the MVS operator command TRACE CT. You may need to place PROC in SYS1.PROCLIB or IEFJOBS or IEFPDSI.

Component Trace provides for automatically generating a TRACE CT command when component tracing is initialized. This command is performed through a PARMLIB member that can be specified on the IBM macro to initialize component tracing. A sample member, CTEENF00, is shipped in CAI.CAW0OPTN. If this member is used, it must be moved to an MVS PARMLIB data set and its specified name on the ENFCT auto command. As delivered if ENFCT is added as a CAIENF parameter, CTEENF00 is used and as delivered CTEENF00 tells component trace to start the ENFXWTR started task. The ENFXWTR task must be customized to use a particular default output CTRACE data set.

For information about starting and stopping a Component Trace External Writer and to connect or disconnect the writer from a component trace component, see the IBM guide, z/OS MVS System Commands (located under TRACE CT).