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cawtor (Windows only)

cawtor [-q quiet]
       [-a attribute]
       [-c color]
       [-g category]
       [-n node]
       [-msg msgnum=nnn]
       [-s/-sou source]
       [-sev/-v severity]
       [-cat/-g category]
       [-i invisible]

Environment Variables


Configuration variable that can be set to an alternate node. If this variable is set and cawtor is issued without a node specification, the value of CA_OPERA_NODE is used.

Authorization is performed to verify that the user ID has rights for this action. This validation occurs before a command, reply, or acknowledgment is executed from the Console GUI using the oprcmd, careply, or delkeep commands, or by a message action.

If CA NSM security is inactive, the user ID issuing the command must be listed in the Users authorized to issue commands environment variable. This list is a setting that is edited in the Configuration Settings notebook, on the Event Management Preferences page.

If CA NSM security is active, the user ID must have explicit permission to execute that command. A rule must be created for the asset type CA‑CONSOLE-COMMAND.

Note: Wild cards can be used.


cawtor is part of a .bat file that sends a request to the operator to mount a tape. The message "TAPE: please mount today's Order Processing tape" is sent to the console and put in the held area. Once the tape is mounted and the operator has replied to the message, the ordproc program (user program) is started.

Cawtor TAPE: please mount today's Order Processing tape