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cawtor-Send a Message to the Console and Wait for Reply

Valid on UNIX/Linux, Windows, z/OS

The Event Management cawtor command sends a message to the system console and waits for a reply.

Messages sent to the system console using the cawtor command remain in a "HELD Message Area" until acknowledged by an operator using the console GUI or in response to an autoreply message action or a careply command. Typically, the number of messages that are "reply pending" or "acknowledge pending" are few and are viewable at one time. When the number of messages that are held exceeds the number that can be concurrently viewed, scroll bars can be used to view the remainder of the held messages.

These messages are removed from the system console only when the console operator uses the Event Management careply command responding to the message or by defining a message record (cautil MSGRECORD) with an action of AUTOREPLY.

Replies sent with careply are written to the standard output of the process issuing the cawtor command. When issued, the cawtor command completes when a reply is received from the console operator.