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awset-Set the Value of a MIB Attribute

Valid on UNIX/Linux, Windows, z/OS

awset sets the value of a MIB attribute. If you use the -o option, the attribute OID is printed followed by the OID value.

UNIX/Linux, z/OS

Many UNIX/Linux nodes have a MIB II-compliant SNMP agent that is built into the operating system. These agents are hard-coded to listen for manager requests on UDP port number 161. To prevent port conflicts between the operating system agent and your agent, the SNMP Administrator defaults to listening for requests on UDP port number 6665.



UNIX/Linux, z/OS




Note: If the attribute is write-protected, your set request fails.


awset [-h hostname] -c community [-p service] [-o] OID type value [-t timeout]
-h hostname

Host name or IP address of the system on which the agent is running.

Default: local node

-c community

Name of any community that is supported for write access in the agent configuration.

To retrieve the MIB attribute value from a specific instance of an agent, postfix the community string with the @ sign, followed by the instance name of the specific agent.

Default: public

-p service

Name in the /etc/services file that translates to a port number, or the number of the UDP port where the agent listens for incoming requests. This value must match the one used by the SNMP Administrator, typically 6665.

Default: 161

-o OID

Object identifier of a specific instance of any attribute in the agent MIB.


One of the following options indicating the type of the specified attribute:

-i integer value

-o octet value

-s string value

-d object identifier (OID)

-a IP address

-c counter

-g gauge

-t time ticks


New value of the attribute instance.

-t timeout

Maximum time value (in seconds) this program waits for a response to an SNMP request before exiting.

Default: 10 seconds