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awservices-Service Control Manager

Valid on UNIX/Linux, Windows, z/OS

The Service Control Manager (awservices) starts and stops all Agent Technology components and agents on the node in the correct order. Once this component is running, all other components can be installed, started, stopped, and uninstalled. The Service Control Manager relegates Agent Technology dependent components, thus preventing a component from being stopped that is essential to the operation of another component. Similarly the Service Control Manager also automatically starts certain components when a subordinate component is started.


To start the services through the AWSTART batch job or PROC, ensure that the CLASS= parameter on the JOB statement is set to a high CPU limit job class. Although this job executes quickly, the services inherit the CPU time limit from this job.



UNIX/Linux, z/OS








awservices {start|stop|list|version} [-m]

To start all Agent Technology components on the node in the correct order, enter the following command:

awservices start

Starts awservices without starting any Agent Technology components.