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This parameter, specified several times, defines your GoalNet configuration to CA‑GSS.


GOALNET node LUNAME luname[,pswd] MODE mode connect

[SESS {total[,win[,lose]}]


The arguments that follow the GOALNET verb are positional and must be the specified order.


An arbitrary but unique name to be assigned to the node. This name is used by IMODs to specify destinations. Node names can be from 1 - 16 alphanumeric characters in length.


VTAM luname that is the application ID used to identify the ACB to communicate with VTAM. Also used by other GoalNet nodes to establish communication with this node.


VTAM application password that VTAM requires before an ACB can be opened. Only code a value if VTAM requires it and this node is to be the local node (specified in the GOALNETLOCAL parameter). If no password is required, omit the field.


VTAM logmode entry that is used for communications targeted to the node being defined. The logmode entry must be defined in the VTAM logmode table associated with the VTAM APPLID definition.

Default: GOALNET.


Controls how this node connects to the network. The following options are defined:


Node is connected when ISERVE is initialized.


Node is connected when the GOALNET JOIN operator command is entered.


Node is connected when the GOALNET START node operator command is issued, where node is the name of an individual node.


Total number of sessions that can be requested with the GoalNet partner. The following options are defined:


Number of sessions permitted with the node. Coding SINGLE for the value marks the node as single-session capable.

Default: This value is 50 for a TYPE value of GSS and 2 for all other types.


Number of contention-winner sessions permitted with the node.

Default: This value is half the value of total rounded down.


Number of contention-loser sessions permitted with the node.

Default: Value of total less the value of win.


Indicates that the partner node is single-session capable; assumes a value of 1 for total.