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This parameter provides initial values for global variables.


GLOBVAL &var {d}value{d} [SIZE size]



Name of the variable to be initialized. It must begin with an ampersand. Global variable names are case-sensitive.


Arbitrary delimiter character. Enclose the value to be assigned within delimiters of your choice. The delimiter can be any character, except blank, that is not contained in value.


Value to be assigned to the global variable. This value is concatenated to the global variable's current value, if any. You can code the GLOBVAL parameter multiple times for the same global variable to assign longer strings than can be accommodated on a single parameter line.


Global variables are normally limited to 80 characters of storage. You can override this value by including a value for the size argument.

Value: 80 to 32000.

Once allocated, a global variable's maximum size is fixed. If you are coding multiple GLOBVAL statements for the same variable (to assign a long value) only the first statement needs a size specification.

Usage Notes

The global variables begin with an ampersand (&) and are common to all IMOD tasks. They differ from the REXX variables in that an uninitialized global variable has a null value (as opposed to its name).