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This option specifies the releases of CICS for which CAIENF/CICS SPAWN modules are loaded into ECSA. Issuing this command without an option causes all of the CAIENF/CICS SPAWN intercept modules to be loaded into ECSA. This command can accept up to seven release level values.


Specify one or more CICS or CICS Transaction Server release levels for which SPAWN is activated. You can specify up to six levels in a comma-separated list.

For Release: Specify this for nn:

CTS 3.1 64

CTS 3.2 65

CTS 4.1 66

CTS 4.2 67

CTS 5.1 68

Note: Specify this control option in the ENFPARMS file. The specified modules are then loaded into ECSA at CAIENF startup and reside there until the next IPL. More than one instance of this command can be issued for specifying the intercept modules for more than one CICS release.

If CICSPAWN is not specified in the ENFPARMS file, none of the CAIENF/CICS SPAWN intercept modules are loaded or deleted.