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This control option queries the status of the CAIENF/CICS environment to help diagnose a problem that is associated with installing a CA Technologies solution in a CICS region. The basic command with no options indicates:

Alternatively, a particular region and solution can be specified.


Inquires about the status of the CICS region represented by the eight-character jobname.


Inquire about the status of the product that the four-character product code represents.


Issue the CICS(QUERY) command without any options to display global information about the status of CAIENF/CICS as it appears from the CAIENF address space.


The response shows if CAIENF/CICS is active, whether the AUTOINSTALL feature is active, depending on how the CAIENF parameter MODE(CICS,ON|NONE) was set, and also the current status of the DCMs defined to the CAIENF database for CA Technologies solutions. This information includes for each solution:

Note: If CAIENF was unable to locate the routine during initialization, the shown address is 00000000. Check the LINKLST or CAIENF STEPLIB for the routine.

To inquire about the status of a specific product with product code K050 being installed in a specific region, CICSV410, issue the following command. The response indicates whether the product is installed in the region and if so, if it has been activated.