Previous Topic: Control Options Summary - CAIENF/CICSNext Topic: CICS(REFRESH,jobname)


This control option enables or disables the CAIENF/CICS processing for a CA Technologies product within a specific CICS region. Do not issue this command until the targeted CICS region is active. CICS is active when message DFHSI1517 is displayed.


The START|STOP control option cannot be specified in the CAIENF parameter file. This option must be issued as an operator command after CAIENF is active.

START/STOP cannot be specified in the CAIENF auto commands file.

You cannot use the START|STOP commands against the CICS components of the CA Top Secret and CA ACF2 security products. CAIENF can be enabled in the region by specifying SEC=YES as a SIT option.



Specific CICS region you want CAIENF/CICS installed in.


Specific product you want to install in a CAIENF/CICS region.

Note: If CICS is running as a started task, jobname refers to the started task JOBNAME. If CICS is running as a batch job, jobname refers to the batch JOBNAME.


To activate the CAIENF/CICS intercepts for CA JARS (assuming the product code for CA JARS is UX62) where the CICS jobname is CICS630A, issue the following command:


To disable the CAIENF/CICS intercepts where the CICS region started task or jobname is CICS630A, issue the following command: