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This control option indicates which library to use to refresh all CAIENF global modules. You can apply maintenance on CAIENF without having to recycle or perform an IPL.

Using this control option, you can select which library to REFRESH after maintenance is applied.

A primary benefit of this control option is that you can test the maintained modules for data center conflicts before placing maintenance changes in the CAIENF STEPLIB or system LNKLIST concatenation. If you use the benefits of this control option to test maintenance, CLOSE the specified alternate DSN and REFRESH the default libraries once you are confident that there are no systems conflicts.

The valid options for this control option are:


Library from which you want to REFRESH all CAIENF modules.


If the specified library is not cataloged, you could specify an optional volume where the desired library is located.


Turns off the TASKLIB specifications. Upon issuing the TASKLIB(CLOSE) control option, further refreshing is performed on the CAIENF STEPLIB or system LNKLIST concatenation.