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ARCHIVE(hhmm) or BACKUP(hhmm)

Controls the time of day that the automatic database archive and compression routine is scheduled; the default is 0100.

ARCHIVE takes the place of BACKUP for this release of CAIENF. BACKUP can still be coded and perform the same as ARCHIVE, but you receive a warning message with instructions to use ARCHIVE instead. BACKUP could be modified in the future.



Automatic database backup is invoked at 6:00 AM.


Automatic database backup is invoked when the CAIENF database reaches 80% utilization. Runs once daily.


nn is a percentage from 50 through 95, inclusive. The database is automatically backed up when the database reaches nn% utilization.


Forces an immediate backup.


Automatic database backup is not active.


The PURGE operator command can be used to clear event data that is not critical to running your CA Technologies solutions.