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Common System Symbols Service

The CA Common System Symbols Service lets CA products create, set, and use more system symbols similar to the ones defined in the IEASYMxx member for your system in the system ‘SYS1.PARMLIB’ data set. CAMASTER uses this service to add some additional symbols to the system.

The following symbols are added to the static system symbol table during the CAMASTER initialization:


This symbol contains the user id of the VM system where this instance of the operating system is executing as a guest.
If the operating system is not a guest on a VM computer, this field contains +++++


This symbol contains the LPAR name where this instance of the operating system is executing.


Hardware name from the IODF.


SMFID as defined on the SID parameter in SMFPRMxx. The SMFID variable and its value of the system SMF identifier is defined and available for use after the SMF address space has completed initialization.


Six-character operating system level. This consists of the operating system version, release, and mod level.

The following symbols are also made available during the CAMASTER initialization, but are not added to the static system symbol table. They are available for use in the PARMLIB reader “IF” logic.


Operating system product name.


Concatenation of the OSNAME and the OSLEVEL.

More information:

Suppress the Dynamic Definition of the System Symbols