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To start a CA component, issue the START command specifying the COMPONENT= operand:


The START command requires a user to have CONTROL access to permit the execution of START commands. If no security profile exists, SYS console authority executes the START command.

CA Common Component Trace Service

One of the common components that CAMASTER initializes is the CA Common Component Trace Service. The CA Common Component Trace Service lets CA Technologies products implement the use of IBM CTRACE. CA Technologies products that use the CA Common Component Trace Service document how to stop and start traces for their particular product under normal rudimentary conditions. There can be times where more advanced features of the Common Component Trace Service can be used. This material supplements the product documentation for using the CA Common Component Trace Service.

When you need to avail a product of the CA Common Component Trace service, use the IBM TRACE CT command to activate, modify, control and turn off a trace defined by the product. The following is taken from the MVS System Commands manual but tailored to CA Common Component Trace Service usage:

The syntax of the TRACE CT command to start or modify a trace is:

TRACE CT,ON,COMP=CAMASTER,SUB=(productcode.Rrelease.Iinstance)

Three-character product of the solution being traced


(Optional) Product release.

Limit: 3 characters


(Optional) An identifier to distinguish and allow concurrent tracing of multiple product instances.

This command generates a WTOR:


The response to this WTOR is the following command:

R nnnn, [,OPTIONS=(…)]
[,ASID=(…)]  [,JOBNAME=(…)]

The following OPTIONS are supported:

eid1, eid2, …

Enables one or more Event IDs (EIDs) to begin capturing trace data. The EIDs that are to be traced are provided by the particular product. This manner of specifying EIDs is equivalent to the DEFEID(eid1,eid2,…) command described below.


Extends the current trace data space by the specified number of buffers. Trace data within the existing buffers is unaffected. Tracing must have been previously set ON before this option can be used.


Resets the current trace data space to have the specified buffer size (in Kilobytes) and #buffers. Trace data within the existing buffers is lost. If #buffers or buffer_size is omitted, the current value is used. Omitting both values causes the existing trace buffers to be cleared. This option can be used at any time.


For traces writing to an External Writer, requests that the current buffer be flushed (written to the External Writer).


Displays a list of Component Traces defined by the CA Common Component Trace Service. This OPTION can be passed to the CAMASTER Component Trace directly. The TRACE CT keyword parameter "SUB=(product_code.Rproduct_release.Iinstance)" is not required.


PAUSE internally pauses tracing. RESUME resumes tracing. The current tracing criteria (#buffers, buffer_size, JOBNAMEs, ASIDs, EIDs) is not affected.

This command can be re-entered to modify the existing trace settings. However if ASIDs, JOBNAMEs or EIDs are specified, their previous settings are lost. The new values overwrite the existing values.


Generates an SVC Dump of the Data Space containing the sub-level trace’s buffers. This is useful for externalizing the CTRACE when an Extrnal Writer is not active.


Defines the set of Event IDs (EIDs) to be initially enabled for tracing. This command can also be used to replace the entire current set with the new specified set. This command is equivalent to specifying the EIDs directly as OPTIONS parameters. However, this command does allow a null list be specified that removes the current set; for example, DEFEID().

Note: The processing of this command causes a short internal pause of tracing for the TraceID product_code.Rproduct_release.Iinstance. During that period, any #TRACE CAPTURE requests are ignored. If DEFEID is used to replace a set containing an EID that is also contained in the new set, there is a possibility that some trace entries for that EID is lost. In that case, the ADDEID or REMEID should be used as these do not internally pause tracing.


Adds one or more Event IDs (EIDs) to the current set being traced. If no Event IDs exist, the ADDEID command defines the initial set. Adding an EID that is in the current set is warned and then ignored.

The processing of this command does not cause an internal pause of tracing for the TraceID product_code.Rproduct_release.Iinstance. New EIDs may be added without affecting the current tracing.


Removes one or more Event IDs (EIDs) from the current set being traced. Specifying an EID that does not exist in the current set is warned then ignored.

The processing of this command does not cause an internal pause of tracing for the TraceID product_code.Rproduct_release.Iinstance. EIDs may be removed without affecting the tracing for the other EIDs in the current set.


Specifies which applications are to be traced. If no ASIDs or JOBNAMEs are specified, all applications defined to this sublevel trace and specifying an active Event ID (EID) are traced. If any ASID or JOBNAME is specified, only these applications are traced. Up to 16 ASIDs and JOBNAMES can be specified.


Requests that this sub-level Trace Component is connected to its External Writer, xtrnlwtr. It had been previously started by the command:

"TRACE CT,WTRSTART=xtrnlwtr" described under Additional commands.


Requests that this sub-level Trace Component is disconnected from its External Writer.

Additional commands
Start a trace

Another command for starting a trace is:

TRACE CT,,COMP=CAMASTER,SUB=(product_code.Rproduct_release.Iinstance),PARM=PARMLIB_member

This command reads and runs PARMLIB_member from SYS1.PARMLIB. The PARMLIB member contains all the ASID, JOBNAME, OPTIONS, and External Writer information which you use to respond to the WTOR generated by the TRACE CT,ON command. This form of the command is useful when the TRACE command has to be entered repeatedly or contains several parameters.

Start and stop an External Writer

To start and stop an External Writer, issue these z/OS commands:


xtrnlwtr is the PROC name of the External Writer Proc that has been provided by a particular product for its externalizing of trace records. It must be available for the MVS operator command TRACE CT by placing the PROC in SYS1.PROCLIB or IEFJOBS or IEFPDSI.

Stop an active CAMASTER sub-level trace

To stop an active CAMASTER sub-level trace, issue this z/OS command:

TRACE CT,OFF,COMP=CAMASTER,SUB=(productcode.Rrelease.Iinstance)

For further information regarding Component Trace system commands, see the IBM manual System Commands (under TRACE CT) for starting and stopping a Component Trace, starting and stopping an External Writer and connecting or disconnecting the External Writer from a Component Trace.