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The MSGTABLE command lets you read and process a message table from an external data set or path. The message table statements are CASRV commands or CA product or component message definition statements for use with the #WTO common message service.

This command can only be used to REPLACE an existing table.


MSGTABLE [,DDNAME=ddname][,MEMBER=member][,TOKEN=token]

Note: Do not use the leading comma for the first operand after the command verb.



(Optional) DDNAME of data set or path to be used to retrieve message table statements for the CA product or component being started.

If omitted, the DDNAME of CASVPARM is used and MEMBER must be specified.

If the DDNAME of CASVPARM is not allocated, parameters are retrieved from the system logical PARMLIB data sets.


(Optional) PDS(E) member name containing message table statements.

There is no default member name.


24-byte hexadecimal message token.

This keyword is optional unless the message table cannot be uniquely identified, in which case this keyword is required.

If specified, use the full 24-byte string, including any leading zeros.