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Common Address Space Shell

The Common Address Space Shell (CASRV) provides an environment where CA components or CA products can be hosted in a secure environment. This environment provides the proper z/OS integrity while providing you consistent operational behavior. The CASRV is designed such that you can start multiple address spaces using the CASRV component using unique JCL PROCs or parameter files. This design provides flexibility and address space isolation for those CA components or products that need such an environment.

CASRV Operational Overview

The CASRV address space can host multiple CA components or products within a single address space. Components and products are provided with their own job-step task tree environment. Components also execute with their own defined z/OS privilege (APF state, problem/supervisor state, storage protect key), and their own security environment. These environments are separate from each other and from the CASRV. In a shared component environment, you can start and stop components independent from each other and without stopping the entire address space.

The CASRV provides a common operator command interface. When the CASRV-established MODIFY / STOP interface receives operator commands, the following general process occurs:

  1. The set of registered commands is examined.
  2. After a command is recognized, command authority checking is performed and the command operands are parsed using the component-provided definitions.
  3. Command redirection processing is validated (that is the L=console-area specification on the command, if present).
  4. The CASRV now handles any errors, without component involvement.
  5. After the command passes validation, the component-designated command processor program is attached as a unique job-step task. This task includes the privilege level of the hosted component. The task is then passed the encapsulated command information and the address of a CASRV address space routine that the command processor uses to issue command responses.
  6. The provided routine uses the Common Message Service to issue a consistent, multiline WTO command response control line with Command and Response Token (CART) if the command issuer provides it) for all components. For more information about IBM terms, see the IBM documentation.

More information:

CASRV Operator Commands