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CCICT (component_name,#buffers,buffer_size,member_name)

The CCICT statement controls the Component Trace environment. For more information, see CAICCI Component Trace.

Options are:


The Component Trace name.

Default: CACCI


Number of trace buffers. Specify a number from 2 through 128 inclusive.

Default: 3


Size, in K, of each buffer. Specify a number from 64 through 8192 inclusive (buffer sizes are between 64k and 8M).

Default: 512


Name of the parmlib member for Component Trace to process when the Component Trace is initialized. There is no default value, but a sample member CTECCI00 is provided for tailoring.

If a CCICT statement is not included in CCIPARMS, CAICCI is still defined to COMPONENT TRACE with the default values for the component_name, #buffers, and buffer_size. All other trace options and values are set through the TRACE CT command when activating tracing.