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install - configure - activate - uninstall—Generate and Execute Jobs in Job Containers / Distributions

These commands are used on the enterprise or the domain manager to generate an install, configure, activate, or uninstall job in a job container and execute it.

On the enterprise manager, this job container is assigned to a distribution.

This command has the following format on the domain manager:

| ccompgrp=(computer_group_name.domain_name)}}}
[deliveryTime="YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm"] 
[atTime="YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm"]
[{jobTimeOut=days.hours | timeout=hours}]

This command has the following format on the enterprise manager:

| ccompgrp=(computer_group_name.domain_name)}}}
{{area=area_name} | {domain=domain_name} | toAllAreas}
[deliveryTime="YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm"] 
[atTime="YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm"]
[sendTime="YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm"] 
[haltTime="YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm"]
[{jobTimeOut=days.hours | timeout=hours}]

Activate job for the specified item. The associated task of the specified procedure has to be of the type "activate"


Start time of the procedure at the target system.

The following values are valid:


The procedure is started immediately after reaching atTime.


The start of the procedure is delayed until the first boot after atTime has been passed.


If "allowCancel" or "allowCancel=y" is coded, the user will be granted to cancel the job's execution.
If "allowCancel=n" is coded, the user will not be granted.

If the parameter is not coded, the default is given by the related procedure's job option value.


Specifies the name of a Client Automation domain as a target for distribution.

You can specify this parameter more than once to address a list of Client Automation domains.

(enterprise manager only).


Specifies the Specifies the date and time when the action will be started.

The date has the ISO format "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm".


Specifies the name of the calendar that controls the time when the evaluation can take place.


If "cascade" or "cascade=y" is coded, the job linkage of the container is switched to resolution of dependencies into install cascades.
If "cascade=n" is coded, the job linkage is switched to no resolution.


Specifies the the optional unique name of a job container.

If a job container / distribution with the specified name already exists an error will be reported.
If "cname" is not coded, a generic name is generated.

On domain manager:
If a job container of the specified name already exists and is unsealed, then the generated job will be assigned to this container. If the container is already sealed an error is indicated.
If a job container of the specified name does not yet exist, it will be created according to the job linkage options specified.
If cname is not coded, a generic name is generated.

On enterprise manager:
"cname" is used to name the distribution and the related job container. Both are expected to be nonexistent and will be created. The job container is created according to the job linkage options specified.
If "cname" is not coded a generic name is generated.


Specifies the name of a computer group. It will be addressed by the job.

The parameter can be coded more than once to assign a list of computer groups.


Specifies the computer group to be addressed as a pair of group name and scope. By default, name and scope are separated by a dot ("."), but an alternate separator can be specified with the "sep" option. The separator should not be used as part of the names.

For the group scope only the following values are valid:


The group is created at the local domain manager,


The group has been created at the enterprise manager and may be replicated.

The "ccompgrp" can be coded with the "compgrp" in one call.


Specifies the name of the computer. It will be addressed by the job.

The parameter can be coded more than once to assign a list of computers.

(domain manager only)


Generates a configuration job for the specified item. The associated task of the specified procedure has to be of the type "configure".


Specifies the start time of delivery from the domain manager.
The date has the ISO format "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm".


Specifies the priority that will be assigned to the distribution.

The priority specified has to be numeric and its value has to be greater or equal 1 and less or equal 10.

If not coded priority 5 is assumed.


Specifies the name of a Client Automation domain group to which the distribution will be sent for execution.

You can specify this parameter more than once to address a list of Client Automation domain groups.

(enterprise manager only)


If "execTimedOut " or "execTimedOut=y" is coded, the job's execution will be automatically started when the user prompt times out.
If "execTimedOut=n", the job will not automatically be started.


If "globalTime" or "globalTime=y" is coded, then the time specifications are based on the enterprise manager time.

If "globalTime=n" is coded, it is based on domain manager time.


Specifies the date and time at which a distribution order should be halted. The date has to be specified in the ISO format "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm".


Generates an installation job for the specified item. The associated task of the specified procedure has to be of the type "install".


Specifies the name of the install procedure that has been used to install the specified item at the target systems.

This parameter has to be coded for the commands "activate", "configure", and "uninstall". For the command "install" it is meaningless and will be ignored.


Specifies the name of the item the job will be generated for.


Specifies the priority of the job container.

The priority specified has to be numeric and its value has to be greater or equal 1 and less or equal 10.

If not coded priority 5 is assumed.


Specifies the jobTimeout expiration period of a job in the form “d.h” where d specifies the number of days and h the number of hours. The range of the parameter is configurable at the manager’s site. When the specified value exceeds the configured upper limit then the value is set to the upper limit, if the specified value goes below the lower limit then the lower limit is taken. No warning is given in any case.
jobTimeout should not be coded with the timeout parameter otherwise an error is reported. If none of the parameters is coded the default is given by 7.0.


If "noCalendar" is coded, a possible calendar at the target computer will be ignored for this job's execution.


The job linkage option is set to "Ignore cascading".

This parameter is allowed only if "transaction" or "synchronized" are coded.


Run the job independently of the other jobs in the container.


If "offline" or "offline=y" is coded, the connection between the target computer and the server will be released for the job's execution and reestablished thereafter.
If "offline=n" the connection will not be released.


Specifies the user parameters for the procedure.
Multiple user parameters must be separated by spaces inside double quotes.
If an empty string is coded, then no parameters are assumed.


Specifies the necessary actions that must take place after completion of the specified procedure. The following values are valid:


Performs no post-action.


Restarts the system after completion of the procedure.


Logs off the user after completion of the procedure.


Restarts the system after completion of all the jobs of this container.


Logs off the user after completion of all the jobs of this container.


Shuts down the target computer after completion of the jobs.


Specifies that necessary actions must take place before the specified procedure starts. The following values are valid:


Performs no pre-action.


Restarts the system before the start of the procedure.


Logs off the user before the start of the procedure.


If "preventLogon" or "preventLogon=y" is coded, then the user logon will be rejected during the job's runtime. If a user is already logged on, the execution of the job is delayed until the user logs off.
If "preventLogon=n" the user logon will not be rejected.


Specifies the name of a procedure to be run.


Specifies the time period in which the user will be prompted for the job's start.

The period’s format is "d.h" where d means days and h means hours.

The range of this parameter is from three hours to seven days (from 0.3 to 7.0). If the specified value falls below the valid minimum, the value is replaced by the minimum. If the specified value exceeds the valid maximum, then the value is replaced by the maximum. No warning is given.


If "promptUser" or "promptUser=y" is coded, the user will be prompted for the job's execution.

If "promptUser=n", the user will not be prompted.


Optional parameter. Default: “reinstall=n”

If “reinstall” or “reinstall=y” is coded then a possible installation record related to the order is removed before the job is evaluated by the domain manager.

If “reinstall=n” is coded then such records will remain.

Note: The reinstall option is valid for the install action only but not for the configure, activate, or unistall actions.


Evaluate a possibly related query group before the job is generated.


Set the job linkage option to "Enable Transaction".


If "runAtShutdown" or "runAtShutdown=y" is coded, the job's execution will start at shutdown only.
If "runAtShutdown=n", the job will start at any other time too.
If the parameter is not coded, the default is given by the related procedure's job option value.
This parameter is for Unix targets only.


Specifies the time to send the associated distribution to the addressed domain managers. The date has to be specified in the ISO format "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm". If the parameter is not coded, the actual date and time is used.


Specifies an alternate separator used with the "ccompgroup" option. The separator should not be part of the group name code with the "ccompgroup" options.


Deliver the related product also to the staging libraries of the scalability servers of the target computers.

This parameter applies to procedures of task type "install" only!


The job linkage option is set to "Synchronized job execution".


Specifies the timeout specifies the expiration period of a job in the form “h” where h the number of hours. The range of the parameter is configurable at the manager’s site. When the specified value exceeds the configured upper limit then the value is set to the upper limit, if the specified value goes below the lower limit then the lower limit is taken. No warning is given in any case.
timeout should not be coded with the jobTimeout parameter otherwise an error is reported. If none of the parameters is coded the default is given by 168


If coded the related distribution will be sent to all Client Automation domains registered at the enterprise manager.


The job linkage option is set to "Batch job execution".


Generates an uninstall job for the specified item. The associated task of the specified procedure has to be of the type "uninstall".


The addressed job container remains unsealed after the generated job has successfully been created.


Specifies the version of the item the job will be generated for.


Specifies the custom administrator message for a job in a job container.


Specifies the custom administrator message for a job container.

The parameters "allowCancel," "execTimedOut" and "prompt" are valid, if the "promptUser" option is already set or is set by this command using the "promptUser" parameter.
If neither the "promptUser" option of a job nor the "promptUser" parameter of the command is set, these parameters will be ignored.
No warning is given.