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remove—remove Images from Boot Servers

This action removes the images specified from the boot servers specified. The cadsmcmd creates SD uninstall orders to clear the images at the boot server. The job container used and the uninstall orders created and their mapping on the images are reported on stdout and allow to monitor the clearing progress with SD methods.

The syntax of the action is as follows:

image	action=remove
{images=image_identifier, ...}
{bootServers=boot_server_name, ...}
[{noLinkage | transaction [rollback] [noCascade]| synchronized [noCascade]}]
[atTime=YYYY-MM-HH hh:mm]
[deliveryTime=YYYY-MM-HH hh:mm]

Specifies the name of an image to be removed from the specified boot servers. The option can be coded more then once for specifying a list of images.

The image identifier has the following structure:

{«image name» |
(«image name»«separator sign»{bootImage | osImage})}

If neither "bootImage" nor "osImage" is coded then "osImage" is assumed. The separator sign is a dot by default but can be redefined by the sep argument. The separator sign should not appear in the image names.


Specifies an alternate separator used with the image identifiers. The separator should not be part of the image names.


This parameter specifies the procedure used by SD to remove the image from the specified boot servers. The default procedure is “Remove from BootServer” for OS images and “Remove Boot Image” for boot images. These default names are not localizable.


Specifies a boot server the image list is removed from. The option can be specified more than once for allowing lists of boot servers.


This option specifies the name of the job container used for staging the required images. If the container does not exist then it is created according to the attributes specified. If it already exists then it has to be unsealed, otherwise the action results in an error. The attributes of an existing container are not modified.


The result of a job does not have any impact on the other jobs execution.



The jobs of the container are processed in sequence. Once a job fails for a target then no subsequent jobs of the container are processed for this target.


The jobs of the container are processed in sequence. Once a job fails for any target then no subsequent jobs of the container are processed for any target.


Once a job of the container fails a rollback is performed for all processed jobs of the container for the affected target as far as they allow it.


The dependencies of the jobs are not resolved during container evaluation.


Specifies the priority of the job container. The priority specified has to be numeric and its value has to be greater or equal 1 and less or equal 10.

If not coded priority 5 is assumed.


The job container remains unsealed after the generated jobs have successfully been created.


Specifies the date and time when the action will be started. The date has the ISO format "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm". If not coded the current date/time is taken.


Specifies the start time of delivery from the domain manager.

The date has the ISO format "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm". If not coded the current date/time is taken.


Specifies the name of the calendar that controls the time when the evaluation can take place.


The command returns on stdout:

Following job container used for removing: “«job container name»”
«image name 1» - “«item 1»;«version 1»;«procedure 1»”: «return code»
«image name n» - “«item n»;«version n»;«procedure n»”: «return code»

Note: To do so it is necessary that the image is registered in SD as well as in OSIM and that the OSIM registration refers correctly to the SD registration. If the reference is not found or invalid the function records the problem with following message:

SDCMD<A000101> Software does not exist (<<product name>> - <<product version>> - <procedure> - <procedure type>)