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modify—Modify Domain Group Attributes

This action modifies the attributes of a Client Automation domain group.

This action has the following format:

domain action=modify name=domain_name 

This optional parameter specifies if the group being modified is a security group or not.
If “InheritPerms=n” is coded then the specified group will not inherit permissions to its members and therefore is no security group any longer.
If “InheritPerms” or “InheritPerms=y” is coded then the specified group will inherit permissions to it members and therefore becomes a security group.
If the parameter is not coded then the permission inheritance settings of the group are not changed.


Specifies the name of a Client Automation domain group to be modified.


Specifies the new name of the Client Automation domain group.


Specifies a comment.

Note: To erase an existing comment, enter the empty string ("").