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domain—Domain Group Management

The methods of this section are valid for enterprise manager only.

Note: The terminology of CA Client Automation has changed in comparison with Unicenter Software Delivery 4.0. The SD "area" is equivalent to the Client Automation "domain", while the SD "domain" is equivalent to a Client Automation group of domains.

Nevertheless for compatibility reasons the terminology, command, and parameter names of the CLI have not changed!

To avoid any ambiguity, in the subsequent sections an area (a domain in the terminology of CA Client Automation) is mentioned as a "Client Automation domain", and a domain (a domain group in the terminology of CA Client Automation) is mentioned as "Client Automation domain group".

The Client Automation domains are handled by the area command of the CLI and the Client Automation domain groups by the domain command of the CLI.

This section contains the following topics:

add—Add Domains to Domain Groups

addSubDomains—Add Domain Groups to Domain Groups

create—Create Domain Group

delete—Delete Domain Group

list—List Domain (Sub)groups

listMembership—List Domain Supergroups

modify—Modify Domain Group Attributes

remove—Remove Domains from Domain Groups

removeSubdomains—Remove Domain Groups from Domain Groups