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list—List Software Policies

This action lists all software policies registered at the domain or enterprise.

The syntax of the action is as follows:

swPolicy	action=list
[{detailed |separator=separator_sign}]

If this option is coded then a detailed list is provided, otherwise a short list is presented only.


The separator is a character that is used for separating the different output fields in the lines of the listings. The default separator is “:” (colon).

The short list with default separator has the following format:

List of Software Policies
«policy_1 name»:«policy_1 type»:«linked group»:«lgroup scope»: [un]sealed
«policy_n name»:«policy_n type»:«linked group»:«group scope»: [un]sealed)

The detailed list has the following format:

List of Software Policies
Policy name	: «name of policy 1»
..Policy type	: {distributed|local}
..State	: {disabled|not evaluated|evaluating|not conformant|conformant}
..Priority	: «priority of the template»
..Associated group	: «group name»
..Group type	: {global|local}
..Last evaluated	: «yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM»
..Violators	: «number of violators»
..Linkage	: {batch|transaction|
synchronized|no linkage}
..Cascade install	: {yes|no}
..Degree of automation	: {conformity check|setup jobs|setup and activate jobs}
..Regeneration of jobs	: {yes|no}
..Dynamic group evaluation	: {yes|no}
..Activation time	: «yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM»
..Enterprise time driven	: {yes|no}
..Evaluation period	: «evaluation period»
..Evaluation calendar	: «calendar name»
..Adhoc evaluation	: {disabled|on new inventory only|always}
Policy name	: «name of policy 2»
Policy name	: «name of policy n»