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deregister—De-register Software Policy from Domain

This action de-registers a software policy from the enterprise manager at a domain.

The syntax of the action is as follows:

swPolicy	action=deregister
{domain=domain_name}| toAllAreas}
[sendtime=yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM]
[halttime=yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM]]

The name of the software policy to be distributed and de-registered. To process a list of policies the argument can be coded more than once.


Name of the distribution used to send the de-registration request to the addressed DSM domains. If such a distribution exists and is not yet sealed then the order is added to this distribution. If the distribution is already sealed then the action terminates with error.

If a distribution of the specified name does not exist then it is created.

If this option is not specified a default name is generated and reported by the CLI on stdout.


Specifies the name of a DSM domain the de-registration request is sent to. This parameter can be coded more than once to specify a list of DSM domains to be addressed.

If this option is coded then the associated distribution is sealed and scheduled for processing.

This option should not be coded if the “domain” option or the “toAllAreas” option is coded.


Specifies the name of a DSM domain group the de-registration request is sent to. This parameter can be coded more than once to specify a list of DSM domain groups to be addressed.

If this option is coded then the associated distribution is sealed and scheduled for processing.

This option should not be coded if the “area” option or the “toAllAreas” option is coded.


If coded the related distribution is sent to all DSM de-registered at the enterprise manager.

If this option is coded then the associated distribution is sealed and scheduled for processing.

This option should not be coded if the “area” option or the “domain” option is coded.


Specifies the start time for the processing of the distribution at the enterprise manager. The date is specified in ISO format. If this option is not coded then the actual date/time is taken.


Specifies the time the processing of distribution is being stopped. The date is specified in ISO format. If this option is not coded then the actual date/time + 1h is taken.


Specifies the priority assigned to the distribution. The priority is numeric with values from 1 (highest priority) to 10 (lowest priority).
Default: 5

Note: If neither the option “area” nor “domain” nor “toAllAreas” is coded then the distribution remains unsealed and further orders can be added to it.