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removeItem—Remove Jobs from Unsealed Local Software Policy

This action removes jobs from an unsealed local software policy. The jobs to be removed are either directly passed with the command, or specified by a procedure or software group. In case of a successful removal the policy can optionally be sealed.

The syntax of the action is as follows:

swPolicy	action=removeItem
{jobNames=«job_name», ...}}

The name of the software policy the specified jobs will be removed from.


This option specifies the name of a software or procedure group. The members of the group are used to determine the jobs to be removed from the software policy.

If a job to be removed is not assigned to the policy an error is reported for this job and the action continues with the next job.

If this option is not coded no groups are evaluated for removing jobs from the software policy.

The group option should not be coded with the "jobNames" option.


Specifies the name of the jobs that will be removed from the software policy. The option can be coded more than once to pass a list of job names.

If a job is specified in the list that is not assigned to the policy then an error is reported and the action executes the next job from the list.

The jobNames option should not be coded with the "group" option.


If “seal” or “seal=y” is coded then the policy is sealed after the jobs have been removed otherwise it remains unsealed for further modifications. The seal is only performed when the removal of all required jobs has been successful and no errors have been reported for any of these jobs. Warnings for jobs do not suppress the seal.

The seal is also suppressed if the policies job assignment falls empty by this action.