Previous Topic: listJobs—List Jobs Related to Target ComputerNext Topic: listMembership—List Memberships of TargetComputer


When launching the following command

cadsmcmd targetComputer action=listJobs name=sys1

then the following list might return:

List of jobs for computer sys1
1. List of current installations
CA Unicenter Client Automation Explorer 11.0.8070.296:Install (EXECUTION_OK, B8E5FB21-0681-4C97-8FC1-E7B2E718B9CA)
CA Unicenter DSM Agent + Software Delivery Plugin 11.0.8070.296:Install (EXECUTION_OK, C046CFB6-F2F9-4D05-B7E9-006E47F42454)
CA Unicenter DSM Agent + Asset Management Plugin 11.0.8070.296:Install (EXECUTION_OK, EBC708F8-39C9-405A-B69D-F65DA74A72F6)
CA Unicenter DSM Agent + Basic Inventory Plugin 11.0.8070.296:Install (EXECUTION_OK, 97741439-351E-4D03-9C64-33775C99649C)
tstbase 1.0:inst (EXECUTION_OK, FC23989D-C88B-4ADB-8A2E-30223A65B71E)

2. List of other jobs
Total number of jobs: 5
Total number of jobs read: 5
Total number of jobs shown 5
SDCMD<A000000>: OK
showing job status and job id in parentheses.
And when launching the following command
cadsmcmd targetComputer action=listJobs name=sys% alt
then the following list might return:
List of jobs "sys%"
Target.................................: sys1
..Job name.............................: tstbase 1.0: inst
..Job identifier.......................: FC23989D-C88B-4ADB-8A2E-30223A65B71E
..Item name............................: tstbase
..Item version.........................: 1.0
..Procedure name.......................: inst
..Task.................................: install
..User parameters......................:
..Job state............................: EXECUTION_OK
..Error code...........................: 0
..Error message........................:
..Creation date........................: 2006-10-18
..Creation time........................: 13:58
..Activation date......................: 2006-10-18
..Activation time......................: 13:57
..Completion date......................: 2006-10-18
..Completion time......................: 13:59

Target.................................: sys2
..Job name.............................: tstbase 1.0: inst
..Job identifier.......................: 653C4ECE-10BD-43AF-9809-3DAC494A35D8
..Item name............................: tstbase
..Item version.........................: 1.0
..Procedure name.......................: inst
..Task.................................: install
..User parameters......................:
..Job state............................: EXECUTING
..Error code...........................: 228432
..Error message........................: File transfer has completed successful
.........................................+ ly
..Creation date........................: 2006-10-19
..Creation time........................: 09:08
..Activation date......................: 2006-10-19
..Activation time......................: 09:08
..Completion date......................: 2006-10-19
..Completion time......................: 09:08

Total number of items: 2
SDCMD<A000000>: OK

When launching the command using filters,

cadsmcmd targetcomputer action=listjobs name=test01 filter="Job state=EXECUTION_OK"

The output is as follows:

List of jobs for computer test01
1. List of current installations
CA DSM Scalability Server (EXECUTION_OK, 21EC3E23-ABA8-4C18-
CA DSM Explorer (EXECUTION_OK, F4B97228-9BC0-458D-9378-6EF46
CA DSM Agent + Asset Management plugin (English only Edition)
l (EXECUTION_OK, 3643F431-59C8-4AEC-B213-66813863F053)
CA DSM Agent + Basic Inventory plugin (English only Edition)
 (EXECUTION_OK, 224D083A-D48F-4EAE-8060-37B6486580F5)
CA DSM Agent + Software Delivery plugin (English only Edition)
ll (EXECUTION_OK, 742B5764-E4AF-475A-BA99-08B380BF6DC0)
CA DSM Agent + Data Transport plugin (EXECUTION_OK, 11A8AF71
CA DSM Agent + Remote Control plugin (English only Edition)
y Managed Complete Agent (EXECUTION_OK, 94A845B7-ACEE-4AF2-8760-6C4F0EFDA570)
CA DSM Manager (EXECUTION_OK, 2A8EDFFE-7B1E-4229-94B1-4AD816E

2. List of other jobs
Total number of jobs: 11
Total number of jobs read: 11
Total number of jobs shown 8
SDCMD<A000000>: OK