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showPolicy—Show Detailed Information of Policy

This action shows detailed information about the specified Policy.

This action has the following format:

comconf action=showPolicy

Specifies the name of the policy of which detailed information is listed. The name might contain wildcards. In this case the information about for all the policies is listed of which their names are matching the pattern.

If not coded, the default policy will be listed.


Specifies the type of the policy to be listed.

If not coded no type check is provided for the list.

The following values are valid:


Specifies a policy for computers and computer groups


Specifies a tailored computer settings


Specifies a reported computer policy


If coded "Parameter Sections" are listed with the policies, otherwise not.


The parameter information is listed with the parameter. If not coded the parameter information is omitted.


With the policies the configurations are listed the policy is a member of.

If not coded no configuration information is shown.