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The following example shows how the regsw command would be issued from a Linux server to register version 0.45 of a software package called "Software Test".

cadsmcmd regsw item="Software Test" version=0.45 path=/usr/test/swtest1 
comment="Test software registration" supplier=CA procedures=/usr/test/proclist.txt

The following example illustrates how to register the same software package from a Windows server, and includes four embedded item procedures. The procedures parameter provides the name of the file where the procedures are listed.

cadsmcmd regsw item="Software Test" version=0.45 path=c:\test\swtest1 
comment="Test software registration"supplier=CA procedures=c:\test\proclist.txt

Following is a sample file containing a list of procedures:

# This file contains a list of all embedded item procedures for Software Test, Version 0.45

regproc task=install procedure="Install Proc 1" os=WINDOWS_32-BIT type=command enduser file=install1.cmd path=\ 
regproc task=activate procedure="Activate Proc 1" os=WINDOWS_32-BIT type=command enduser file=activ1.cmd path=\ 
regproc task=configure procedure="Configure Proc 1" os=WINDOWS_32-BIT type=command enduser file=config1.cmd path=\ 
regproc task=uninstall procedure="Uninstall Proc 1" os=WINDOWS_32-BIT type=command enduser file=uninst1.cmd path=\ 

The path is "\", because the procedures reside in the same directory as the software itself. If the procedures resided in the subdirectory "C:\test\swtest1\proc", then "path=\proc" should have been used in the procedures file. Path is defined in the same manner on Linux servers, with the obvious change of directory separator to "/".