Previous Topic: listrenewals—List RenewalsNext Topic: modify—Modify Job Container


To list all the renewals associated with the job container "myContainer" enter the following command:

cadsmcmd jobContainer action=listRenewals name="myContainer" 

The following information is shown:

List of renewals for job container "myContainer"
jcnto1 [12/15/2008 11:34:00 AM] (in progress)
jcnto1 [12/16/2008 10:34:00 AM] (in progress)
Number of job containers found: 2
Number of job containers shown: 2
SDCMD<A000000>: OK

To list all the renewals associated with the job container "jcnt01" using filters, enter the following command:

cadsmcmd jobcontainer action=listrenewals name=jcnt01 filter="Job container name=jcnt01[12/15*"

The following information is shown:

List of renewals for job container "jcnt01"
jcnt01[12/15/2008 11:15:56 AM] (failed)
Number of job containers found: 2
Number of job containers shown: 1
SDCMD<A000000>: OK

More Information:

Using Filters