Previous Topic: showAttr—Show Attributes of Computer GroupsNext Topic: Example


To show the attributes of a computer group, launch the following command:

cadsmcmd compgroup action=showAttr name=cg


Standard Groups

For a standard computer group - for example, cg_1, the output is as follows:

Attributes of the computer group "cg_1" 
Computer group name....................: cg_1
Group type.............................: Group
Scope..................................: Local
State..................................: Operational
Security type...........................:  security group
Creation date..........................: 2005-01-28
Creation time..........................: 09:57
Change date............................: 2005-01-28
Change time............................: 09:57

Query Groups

For a query group - for example, "qg", the output is:

Attributes of the computer group "qg" 
Computer group name....................: qg
Group type.............................: Query group
Scope..................................: Local
State..................................: Operational
Security type...........................:  security group
Creation date..........................: 2005-01-21
Creation time..........................: 16:06
Change date............................: 2005-01-21
Change time............................: 16:06
Query..................................: USD_qg [01/21/05 16:06:56.588] 
Engine name............................: <All Engines>
Engine period (minutes)................: 60

Software Templates

Note: For a template group the method is mapped to the templategroup action showattr.