Previous Topic: listPG—List Procedures of Procedure GroupNext Topic: removeProcFromPG—Remove Procedures from Procedure Group


To list the contents of the procedure group pg_1 the following command can be entered:

cadsmcmd swlibrary action=listPG name=pg_1

CA IT Client Manager r12
ITCM Command Line Version 12.8.0.xxxx
Copyright (c) 2014 CA. All rights reserved.

Trace mode: Off

Connecting to manager "<default manager>" as user "<default user>" ... ok.
Manager: mymanager
Domain: mydomain
Domain type: Domain
Supporting: CO CCNF USD OSIM 

List members of procedure group "pg_1" 
inst (tstbase 1.0 <1>)
inst (tstkpk03 1.0 <2>)

SDCMD<A000000>: OK

The tstbase entry should be replaced by two other entries invoking the procedures remdir and setdir. The following commands will modify the contents as required:

cadsmcmd swlibrary action=removeProcFromPG name=pg_1 procedure=inst item=tstbase version=1.0
cadsmcmd swlibrary action=addProcToPG name=pg_1 procedure=remdir item=tstbase version=1.0
cadsmcmd swlibrary action=addProcToPG name=pg_1 procedure=setdir item=tstbase version=1.0

The group pg_1 now shows the following contents:

cadsmcmd swlibrary action=listPG name=pg_1
CA IT Client Manager r12
ITCM Command Line Version 12.8.0.xxxx
Copyright (c) 2014 CA. All rights reserved.

Connecting to manager "kkkkk01b" as user "<default user>" ...OK.

List members of procedure group "pg_1" 
inst (tstkpk03 1.0 <1>)
remdir (tstbase 1.0 <2>)
setdir (tstbase 1.0 <3>)

SDCMD<A000000>: OK

The procedures of a procedure group are executed at the target systems in the sequence they were ordered in the procedure group. This order number of a procedure is shown in pointed brackets. To execute the inst procedure in a correc manner the remdir and setdir must run first. The following command reorders the procedure group:

cadsmcmd swlibrary action=repositionItem name=pg_1 procedure=inst item=tstkpk03 version=1.0 position=3

Now the group pg_1 shows the following contents:

cadsmcmd swlibrary action=listPG name=pg_1
CA IT Client Manager r12
ITCM Command Line Version 12.8.0.xxxx
Copyright (c) 2014 CA. All rights reserved.

Connecting to manager "kkkkk01b" as user "<default user>" ...OK.

List members of procedure group "pg_1" 
remdir (tstbase 1.0 <1>)
setdir (tstbase 1.0 <2>)
inst (tstkpk03 1.0 <3>)

SDCMD<A000000>: OK