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The following example illustrates how the "fetch" command can be used to fetch "Software TestC" from a Windows domain manager.

cadsmcmd fetch item="Software TestC" comment="Fetches Software TestC" 
path=c:\test\swtest3 area=N_LOCAL_SRV cname=TestCont8 
sendtime="2006-03-07 22:15" halttime="2006-03-08 03:30" 

The following fetch example is similar to the previous example; however, environment variables are used to indicate the path.

cadsmcmd fetch item="Software TestC" comment="Fetches Software TestC" 
path=%FETCHSW%\*.exe area=N_LOCAL_SRV cname=FetchContainer 
sendtime="2006-03-07 22:15" halttime="2006-03-08 03:30"