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fetch—Fetching Items

The fetch command is valid on enterprise managers only.

Use the fetch command to fetch files from a Client Automation domain manager or a group of Client Automation domain managers and store it into the fetch area of the enterprise manager.

This action has the following format:

fetch  item=item  [comment=comment] 
{{area=area_name} | {domain=domain_name} | toAllAreas}
[sendTime="YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm"] 
[haltTime="YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm"]

Specifies the name of a Client Automation domain from which the items are fetched.

You can specify this parameter more than once to address a list of Client Automation domains.


Specifies the the optional unique name of a job container.

If a job container / distribution with the specified name already exists an error will be reported.
If "cname" is not coded, a generic name is generated.


Specifies a comment providing a description of the fetched item or items.


Specifies the name of one or more Client Automation domain groups from which the items are fetched

You can specify this parameter more than once to address a list of Client Automation domain groups.


Specifies the date and time at which a distribution order should be halted. The date has to be specified in the ISO format "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm".


Specifies the name of the items to fetch from the targeted Client Automation domain managers.


Specifies the path to the items to be fetched.

The specifies path name is that on the targeted Client Automation domain managers.

It has to be coded according to the conventions of the operating system.

To retrieve data from a Client Automation domain manager, the fetch command uses the parameter "path" to specify what is to be retrieved from the domain manager.

For ease of use the path may contain environment variables defined by the system or user or the configuration files of SD.

(For details, see the DSM Explorer Help).

In SD, these environment variables have to enclosed by percent signs "%".


Specifies the time to send the associated distribution to the addressed domain managers. The date has to be specified in the ISO format "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm". If the parameter is not coded, the actual date and time is used.


If coded the related distribution will be sent to all Client Automation domains registered at the enterprise manager.