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The bso.xml File

The bso.xml file is the connector's configuration file. All scripts read configuration information from this script.

Note: Instructions for configuring bso.xml appear in context. This section provides additional details about the file for your information.

In the bso.xml file, you must specify configuration information in xml format, as follows:

<element - name>value of the element </element>

The following rules apply:

For example, a sample entry is:


In this example:

The structure of the bso.xml file follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sti:bso xmlns:sti="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="bso.xsd" >
      <sti:keyfile>  </sti:keyfile>
      <sti:idmanagerpgm> </sti:idmanagerpgm>
      <sti:timezone> </sti:timezone>
      <sti:dateformat> </sti:dateformat>
<sti:product> </sti:product>
      <sti:product> </sti:product>
      <sti:server> </sti:server>
      <sti:wsdl> </sti:wsdl>
      <sti:osuser> </sti:osuser>
<sti:workflowobj> </sti:workflowobj>
      <sti:taskstatusobj> </sti:taskstatusobj>
      <sti:tablename> </sti:tablename>
      <sti:changeordernumbercolumn> </sti:changeordernumbercolumn>
      <sti:datereportedcolumn> </sti:datereportedcolumn>
      <sti:fixbycolumn> </sti:fixbycolumn>
      <sti:prioritycolumn> </sti:prioritycolumn>
      <sti:descriptioncolumn> </sti:descriptioncolumn>
      <sti:categorycolumn> </sti:categorycolumn>
      <sti:reportedbycolumn> </sti:reportedbycolumn>