The following environment variables must be set in the .profile file of the user who installed the CA Clarity PPM server:
#Set HARVESTHOME environment variable #Add HARVESTHOME/bin to PATH HARVESTHOME=/home/harvest/R71GA/harvest PATH="${HARVESTHOME}"/bin:"${PATH}" # Update CA shared component path for harvest #library variable varies depending on OS. For example:LD_LIBRARY_PATH for Linux/Solaris, and LIBPATH for AIX. LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HARVESTHOME/lib:"${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}" # Update CA shared component path for CAcrypto LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/harvest/R71GA/CAcrypto:"${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}" CACRYPTINI=/home/harvest/R71GA/CAcrypto/cacrypt.ini # Update CA shared component path for lic LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/CA/CAlib:"${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}" #Set RTHOME RTHOME=/home/harvest/R71GA/pec . $RTHOME/bin/ CLASSPATH=/home/harvest/R71GA/harvest/JHSDK/lib/jhsdk.jar:$CLASSPATH export HARVESTHOME PATH LD_LIBRARY_PATH CACRYPTINI CLASSPATH
Note: The values of all the above environment variables are just examples; your values will vary according to the installation path. Another way to accomplish this task is to add all the above environment variables into and execute the command from the .profile file.
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