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Edit Unopened Requisition Requests

You can view your new requisitions, monitor your open requisitions and edit any unopened requisitions.

You can view a requisition status in the Request Status field. Whenever the requisition status changes, the Request Status field is updated.

You can only edit requisition requests that have a status of "New."

After you submit an open requisition, the resource manager receives notification to work on the request. If a requisition is for a named resource, the named resource is automatically added to the resource list for the requisition when the status changes to "Open." The resource is selected or "Proposed."

You can delete resource requisitions at any time and in any state. You can also delete requisitions with approved bookings. The results of the booking (for example, the team members that got hard-booked to the project) remain. The record of the booking transaction (for example, the requisition itself) can be deleted. To delete a requisition, select the check box and click Delete.

Follow these steps:

  1. Open the project and click Team.

    The team staff page of the project appears.

  2. Open the Team menu and click Requisitions.

    The team requisitions page of the project appears.

  3. Click the name of the requisition to edit the properties.

    The requisitions properties page appears for that requisition.

  4. Complete the requested information. The following fields require explanation:
    Requisition Name

    Change the name of the requisition to describe the staffing requirement. When the requisition is created, the field is populated with the name of the selected staffing requirement.

    Required: Yes

    Due Date

    Select the last date of filling the requisition. The date generally appears before the date you require the resource.


    Indicates the status of the requisition. To submit a requisition, change its status from "New" to "Open".

    Required: Yes

    Values: New, Open, Proposed, or Closed

    Requested By

    Displays the name of the project manager who created the requisition.

    Booking Manager

    Displays the booking manager name of the resource or role according to the staffing requirement.

    Requirement Name

    Displays the staffing requirement name. Each requisition can access all information from the team member. For example, skills, allocation needed, or role on which the requisition is based.

    Requested Resource

    Displays the name of the requested resource or role.


    Displays the name of the project for the requisition.


    Displays the status based on the selected option when creating the requisition. For example, Request Resources, Unbook Resources, or Replace Resources.


    Displays the status based on the selected option when creating the requisition.

    Values: Request Resources, Unbook Resources, or Replace Resources

    Requested Amount

    Define the period for the resource to work on the project. Also, specify the percentage of the time available for the resource.

  5. Save the changes.