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Create Requisitions

Requisitions are associated with single staffing requirements; they always contain references to a specific resource or role. The requisition uses the details from the staffing requirement to populate the requisition.

When selecting multiple resources or roles, a new requisition is created for each resource or role (staffing requirement). For a given staffing requirement, there can be only one outstanding requisition (with a status of New, Open, or Proposed). You cannot create requisitions for staffing requirements that already have outstanding requisitions. If you cannot create requisitions for any of the staffing requirements selected, then the create operation fails for all requisitions. An alert message appears.

As a project manager, you can edit the requested allocation amount in a requisition. You can edit a requisition as long as its status is still New. You can avoid situations where the resource manager is already working on the request, has a shortlist partly put together, and then the request changes on them.

When you create the requisition, you can do one of the following:

Follow these steps:

  1. Open the project and click Team.

    The team staff page of the project appears.

  2. Select the check box for a soft-booked resource or role, and from the Actions menu, click Create Requisitions.

    The create requisitions page appears.

  3. Select a requisition type:


  4. Select a booking manager for each resource or role. If the resource manager or administrator specifies a default booking manager, this value is automatically populated.
  5. Do one of the following:

    The requisition is created and displays on the team staff page of the project.

  6. Save the changes.

More information:

Edit Unopened Requisition Requests

Unbook Hard-Booked Resources Using Requisitions