Use the following procedure to define and edit the properties for a team staff member. For example, define a resource as open for time entry to track the time spent on their tasks on the timesheet.
Follow these steps:
The team staff page of the project appears.
The staff member page of properties appears.
Defines the staffing requirement name. Each requisition can access all information from the team member. For example, skills, allocation needed, or role on which the requisition is based.
Defines the start date for the resource on the project.
Defines the end date for the resource on the project.
Defines the percentage of time you want to allocate the resource to this project (you can enter 0 percent). This amount is reflected in the Allocation and Allocation % columns on the project team staff page.
Default: 100 percent
Required: No
Defines the booking status for the resource.
Default: Soft
Specifies the requisition status when a requisition is linked to the team record. Project managers use the request status to monitor the state of their requisitions and to book manually a resource without using a formal requisition. The field is display only, when the request status is "New", "Open, or "Proposed", or when no requisitions exist.
Default: New
Required: Yes
Defines the role of the resources requested for the project.
Example: Developer, business analyst, or product manager
Defines the OBS Unit affiliation for the resource assigned to the project.
Default: Default Staff OBS Unit (if this value is defined for the project)
Specifies if the resource can use timesheets to track time that is spent on task assignments. When cleared, the resource cannot log time on any project.
Default: Selected
Specifies the employment type to search for resources.
Values: Contractor or Employee
Defines the keywords in the resume of the resource.
Defines the duration of time for which the resource is required to work on the project. The time represents the total amount of availability the resource has to the project (as requested by the project manager).
Defines the total amount of hard-booked availability the resource has to the project (as filled out by the resource manager). A hard allocation value does not exist until the resource manager hard-books the allocations.
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