You can define your program start and finish dates using the schedule page of program properties. The dates encompass the start and completion dates of all of the projects contained in the program. Be sure to set the dates of any program milestone tasks considering the program duration.
Note: The As of Date field does not apply to programs, which cannot contain task-level estimating.
Follow these steps:
The properties page appears.
The schedule page appears.
Defines the date of starting the project.
Defines the date of completing the project.
Specifies if the planned cost dates are synchronized with the investment dates. Selecting the option for a detailed financial plan does not affect the planned cost dates.
Default: Selected
Defines the date to include data in time and budget estimates. This date is used in Earned Value Analysis (EVA) calculations, such as Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled (BCWS) and drives the calculations for costs. ETC for a project is not scheduled on or before the As of Date.
Indicates the level of work completed on project tasks. Use the following as a guideline:
Options: Completed, Started, and Not Started
Default: Not Started
If you are using CA Clarity PPM with Open Workbench, defines the relative importance of this project in relation to all other projects. The priority controls the order in which tasks are scheduled during Autoschedule. The priority is subject to dependency constraints.
Values: 0-36, where 0 is the highest
Default: 10
Indicates the project status.
Stoplight values:
Defines any comments about the project status.
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