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Define Program General Properties

The properties page of the program is the default page you see when you open a program. The page displays all the fields defined when creating the program. The page also displays additional fields to edit and links that you can use.

Follow these steps:

  1. Open the program to add or edit the program properties.

    The properties page appears.

  2. Complete the following General fields:
    Program Name

    Required. Enter a unique name for the program (up to 80 characters).

    Program ID

    Required. Enter a unique ID for the program (up to 20 characters).


    Enter a description of the program (up to 254 characters).


    This fields defaults to the name of the user creating the program.

    Page Layout

    Required. The page layout for the program.


    The stoplight in the field indicates the program risk status, as you specify on the properties page and on the Risks/Issues/Changes - Risks page.


    • Green = Low Risk
    • Yellow = Medium Risk
    • Red = High Risk.

    Note: If you do not complete the fields on the properties page and on the Risks/Issues/Changes - Risks page, this field does not display in color.


    The stoplight in the field indicates the program alignment status.


    Clear the field to deactivate the program. The program no longer appears in the list of active programs.


    As you are currently in an open program, the field is selected.


    Select the field to use this program as a template for other program.

    Add to My Projects

    Click this link to make the program available from the My Projects section of your Personal: General page. After you click the link and add the program, the link name changes to [Remove from My Projects]. Click the link to remove the program from the list in the My Projects section of the page.

    Copy from Template

    Click the link to copy tasks, task estimates, and staff assignments from a template into the current project.

    Organizational Breakdown Structures

    Use the link to associate a business unit, or security OBS with the project.

    Open in Open Workbench

    Click Go to open the project in Open Workbench.

  3. Save the changes.

More information:

Risks, Issues, Change Requests, and Action Items

Create New Programs