A summary task is a task that has one or more subtasks nested beneath it. You can indent tasks to be included as subtasks to the summary task. A subtask is any task that is nested under a task. Subtasks can be detail tasks or summary tasks. You can nest summary tasks under other summary tasks. You can indent and outdent summary tasks, in which case, their nested subtasks move with them.
When creating a summary task, give it a name that implies a logical, organizational grouping. For example, use Phase I, Phase 2, Planning Phase, and Build Phase.
Level 1 tasks are the top-level tasks in a work breakdown structure (WBS). You cannot outdent Level 1 tasks because they are already at the top-most level. A detail task is a task that has assignments tracked for effort. A detail task can be a Level 1 task, but it can also be a subtask to a summary task.
Detail task dates determine summary task dates. The earliest start date of one or more of its detail tasks determines the summary task start date. The latest end date of one or more of its detail tasks determines the summary task finish date. The summary task dates change as you edit the detail task dates. Total Effort and cost for a summary task are calculated based on the detail task information.
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