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Create Execution Conditions

Create a task estimating rule execution condition if an existing estimating rule is not the default rule. Execution conditions determine when the rule is required to run. An executing condition is not required for the default rule.

Verify that a task estimating rule exists before completing this procedure. The [Define execution conditions] link appears only if a rule is established.

Follow these steps:

  1. Open the project and click Tasks.

    The list page appears.

  2. Open the task and click Estimating.

    The task estimating properties page appears.

  3. In the Task Estimating Rules section, click [Define execution conditions] next to an existing task estimating rule.

    The execution condition page appears.

  4. Complete the following field:

    Defines the object.

    Values: Project or Task

    The field that appears or becomes available next depends upon the type of object selected. If Project is selected as the object, then select the Field or Operation field and select a value. If Task is the object, then select the field and select a value.

  5. Complete the following field, and click Add:

    Displays the operator to use in the formula.

    Values: = or !=


    Defines the Constant or an Object.

  6. Click Add to add the expression to the Expression field.
  7. Click Evaluate to evaluate the expression.
  8. Click Save and Return.

    If successful, the new rule displays in the Task Estimating Rules section. If the expression does not evaluate successfully, an error message displays in the field.

    Note: Enter or paste a formula directly into the Estimated Rule field to bypass the Operator and Value fields. Then, click Evaluate to evaluate the expression.

  9. Save the changes.