Setup › About Base Calendars › About the Default Shift (Base Calendar)
About the Default Shift (Base Calendar)
The default shift for the base calendar is eight hours per day. You can set new shifts to override the default shift. When you change a specific holiday on the resources calendar to a nonworkday, the shift information or availability is removed. If you change the day back to a workday, a check is made to see if a shift pattern exists for that day in that calendar (or parent). One of the following actions occurs:
- If a shift pattern does exist for that day, the day is set to use that shift pattern.
- If a shift pattern for the day does not exist, a check is made for a shift pattern for the corresponding day of the week for that calendar (or parent, as needed).
- If a shift pattern is found from the search, the day is set to use that shift pattern.
- If no shift pattern is found for that specific day of the week, then the first day of the week shift pattern that is found is used starting with the first day of the week (Sunday).
- If no shift pattern exists for any day of the week, then the default shift patterns of 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM and 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM are set for that day.
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