You can edit the team allocation for your project using the time-varying cells on the project team staff page. The time-varying cells contain planned allocation, hard allocation ETC, and actuals. You can edit the planned and hard allocation information in these cells to create allocation segments. You can create allocation segments between the start and finish dates for the staff team member.
You can define explicit start and finish dates for staff team members. Or, the dates can be inherited from the start and finish dates for the investment. When editing the allocation information in the time-varying cells, the following editing rules are used when you save your changes:
To give resource managers the ability to manage team allocations while you have the project locked, verify the Allow Edit of Allocations when Investment is Locked default project management setting is selected. This setting allows resource managers to modify the team while you are working on the project schedule, either in tentative schedule mode or when working offline in a desktop scheduler.
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