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Add Resources or Roles to Projects (Microsoft Project)

Add any CA Clarity PPM resource or role to which you have access rights to hard or soft book to a project open in Microsoft Project. When you add a resource using Schedule Connect, the resources are allocated to tasks manually.

When you add a resource to the project, the resource information is downloaded from CA Clarity PPM. The resource is allocated at 100 percent to the project as if the resource is staffed in CA Clarity PPM. You can modify the resource availability in the project and implicitly change the allocation to another value.

To add a resource to a project in Microsoft Project, create a resource and enter the ID in the Initials field. The resource ID requires matching with the resource ID in CA Clarity PPM. The remaining resource attributes are set to match the CA Clarity PPM information when you save and reopen the project in CA Clarity PPM. To save the project to CA Clarity PPM, the resource requires existing in CA Clarity PPM.

Follow these steps:

  1. With the project open in Microsoft Project, click Browse Resources.

    The browse resources dialog appears.

  2. Select the resources or roles and click Add.
  3. Move resources and roles between the following columns, and click OK:
    Selected Resources/Roles

    The list of selected resources and roles that you add to the project.

    Available Resources/Roles

    The list of resources and roles to which you have booking rights.

    To select a role, expand the role folder and select the role name. To select individual resources, expand the role folder and select the resource name.

    The selected resources or roles are added to the project.