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How to Assign Resources to Tasks (Microsoft Project)

You can assign resources to tasks from CA Clarity PPM or from Microsoft Project.

In CA Clarity PPM, you can assign resources to tasks in the work breakdown structure (WBS) in the Gantt view. The resource assignments that you create default to the default resource load pattern. Your CA Clarity PPM administrator can define this option using the Default Load Pattern field, which is a default project management setting.

When you open a CA Clarity PPM project in Microsoft Project, the following occurs:

Updating Task Status Updates Resource Status

Split In-progress Tasks

Work Contour set to


Not Selected





Not Selected

Not Selected


Not Selected



Note: If the project Track Mode field in CA Clarity PPM is set to Clarity or Other, the Updating Task Status Updates Resource Status check box is cleared. The check box is cleared regardless of the user settings in Microsoft Project.

The schedule for the work can change when opening the project in Microsoft Project.


Example 1

Suppose, you create a Front-loaded assignment in CA Clarity PPM with 40 hours on a five-day task. CA Clarity PPM schedules that work as full-time over those five days. Microsoft Project schedules those 40 hours over 8.33 days.

Example 2

Suppose, you assign a resource uniformly to a five-day task in CA Clarity PPM and then change the task duration to ten days. The rate of work is reduced to half-time, retaining the total amount of work. Microsoft Project reschedules this change as full-time, shortening the task back to five days.

More information:

About Resource Load Patterns

Set the Default Resource Load Pattern