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Running the XOG

This section contains the following topics:

How to Run the XOG

Run the XOG from the Command Line

About the .properties File

Run the XOG Client as a Shell

How to Run the XOG Using SOAP

How to Run the XOG

You can run the XOG in the following ways:

More information:

Run the XOG from the Command Line

About the .properties File

Run the XOG Client as a Shell

How to Run the XOG Using SOAP

Run the XOG from the Command Line

To run the XOG from the client using command-line parameters

  1. Open a command prompt:
  2. Type the xog command with the parameters for the operation you want to perform and press Enter.

Basic operations:

More information:

Command Line Parameters (XOG Client)

Command Line Parameters (XOG Client)

The XOG client command line uses the following parameters:


Indicates the name of the server running CA Clarity PPM.


Indicates the port number used on the server.

Default: 80. The typical value for an SSL-enabled server is 443.


Indicates if the server is an SSL-enabled server.

Default: False


Identifies the path to a file where the output of the operation should be written. Any existing file is overwritten.


Indicates the path to the file that contains the XOG request.


Indicates the username required for authentication. This user must have XOG administration access rights.


Indicates the user password.


Optional. The properties file that contains any or all of the above parameters.


Indicates that the client needs to operate in a FIPS 140-2 compliant mode.

Default: False

About the .properties File

You can pass command-line parameters to the XOG client from a .properties file. You can create your own .properties file from the example file provided with the XOG client's bin directory. The advantage of this method is that you can store the parameters for common XOG requests in multiple .properties files and reuse them. This saves the effort of writing out the parameters on the command line each time you want to use them.

For example, if you are using the XOG to import users, companies, resources, and content items, you might create .properties files like the ones shown here:

In the example .properties files listed, each file would contain different input and output property values that are appropriate for the type of data it is being used to import.

Example Properties File

The parameters needed to read project data is contained in the following .properties file example. The bolded text shows the values provided for the parameters.

# --- server host name you want to test against

More information:

Create a .properties File

Run the XOG Using the .properties File

Create a .properties File

Make a copy of the example file located in the XOG client's bin directory and modify the copy to create a new .properties file that you can use to import or export the specific data that you need.

As you modify the file, note the following:

The following figure shows the file with the default values for parameters.

Illustration shows contents of test properties file included with the client.

More information:

Run the XOG Using the .properties File

Run the XOG Using the .properties File

To run the XOG using the .properties file

  1. Modify the file or make your own .properties file and store it in the bin directory.
  2. Open a command prompt:
  3. At the XOG prompt, issue the following command:
    bin\xog -propertyfile bin/
  4. View the output.

More information:

Create a .properties File

Run the XOG Client as a Shell

Typically the XOG client is used as a non-interactive command-line tool. When you are developing integrations or testing XOG requests, you may want to run the XOG client as a shell. The shell lets you log in once and execute multiple requests before logging out.

To run the XOG client as a shell

  1. Open a command prompt:
  2. Issue the following command:

    The shell comes up and the usage list displays.

More information:

XOG Client Shell Commands

XOG Client Shell Commands

Use the XOG client shell commands when you are developing integrations or testing XOG requests. The XOG client shell uses the following commands:


Displays the command usage screen.


Retrieves a new session ID by logging into one of the CA Clarity servers. The login command string is variable.


> login admin/mypassword@myserver:80

Closes any active sessions.


Sets the path and file name where the results of the xog call will be captured.


> output c:\xog\xml\out.xml

Invokes a XOG request file. The file path may be absolute or relative to the working directory.


> call xml/biz_companies_read.xml
> call D:/Integrations/CA Clarity/write.xml

Logs out of active sessions and quits the shell.

How to Run the XOG Using SOAP

The XOG is a web service interface to CA Clarity. The XOG provides a SOAP API for communication with CA Clarity over the web. The XOG SOAP API is documented in the WSDL and the XSD files. Any client tool, not only the XOG client, can send and receive SOAP messages using the XOG.

The following steps describe the general process for invoking XOG directly using SOAP:

  1. Call Login to establish a session.
    <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
          <Login xmlns="">

    where Login Input elements are:


    The log in request main body element. Login returns a SessionID that you may use in subsequent requests.


    The name of the user doing the work.


    The password for the user.

  2. Invoke the request using the SessionID.
    <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=""
          <xog:Auth><xog:SessionID>[session id]</xog:SessionID></xog:Auth>
       <obj:WriteChange xmlns:obj="">
                <Header version="" 
                            benefits="change request for xog test" 
                            code="change request for xog test" 
                            description="change request for xog test" 
                            impactBaseline="change request for xog test" 
                            impactDescription="change request for xog test" 
                            name="change request for xog test" 
                            ownerCode="admin" priorityCode="LOW" 
                            reasons="change request for xog test" 

    where RequestSessionAL Input Elements are:


    The authentication string.


    The Write Object request's main body element.

    When making multiple requests with the same SessionID (such as when an external process wakes up at defined intervals) the SessionID may time out. This is the equivalent of a Logout request. To establish a new SessionID, log in again. The session timeout duration is the same as that set for web browser user sessions; you can configure this setting from the System Options in the Administrator Tool.

  3. Call Logout to invalidate the SessionID and close the session.
    <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" 
          <xog:SessionID>[session id]</xog:SessionID>

    where Logout Input elements are:


    The authentication string that identifies the session to be invalidated.


    The Logout request main body element.