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Installing the XOG Client

This section contains the following topics:

How to Install the XOG Client

Windows Installation

Cross-Platform Installation

Verify the XOG Client Version

FIPS 140-2 Mode Setup

XOG Client Directories

How to Install the XOG Client

Use the following process to install the XOG client.

  1. Download and install one of the following XOG client versions on your computer:
  2. Verify that the XOG client version matches the version of CA Clarity it is to work with.
  3. Set up the Java Runtime Environment (JRE).
  4. (Optional) Set up FIPS 140-2 mode if this standard is required for your business.

    This mode is a standard that describes the U.S. federal government requirements for encrypting sensitive data.

More Information:

Verify the XOG Client Version

FIPS 140-2 Mode Setup

Windows Installation

If your computer is running on a Windows platform, use the following instructions to download and install the XOG client.

To install the XOG client for Windows

  1. Log in to CA Clarity.
  2. Click the Administration menu and select Client Downloads from the General Settings menu.

    The client downloads page appears.

  3. Click Download for the Windows Installer.

    The download dialog box appears.

  4. Click Save File and save the XOG.exe file to a directory on your local computer.
  5. On your computer, run XOG.exe and follow the instructions that appear on the screen.

More information:

Verify the XOG Client Version

FIPS 140-2 Mode Setup

Running the XOG

Cross-Platform Installation

If your computer is running on a non-Windows platform, use the following instructions to download and install the XOG client.

To install the cross-platform XOG client

  1. Log in to CA Clarity.
  2. Click the Administration menu, and select Client Downloads from the General Settings menu.

    The client downloads page appears.

  3. Click Download for the Cross-platform ZIP.

    The File Download dialog box appears.

  4. Click Save and save the file to your local computer.
  5. Create a local folder named xogclient and extract the files to the folder.
  6. (UNIX only) From the bin directory, run the following command:
    chmod +x

More information:

Verify the XOG Client Version

FIPS 140-2 Mode Setup

Running the XOG

Verify the XOG Client Version

Over time, a mismatch between the application and the XOG client can occur if the application is upgraded and the XOG client is not. Verify that the XOG client version you are using matches the version of CA Clarity PPM you are using. If the version numbers do not match, download the XOG client from CA Clarity PPM and reinstall it.

To see the version number of the XOG client

  1. Bring up a command prompt.
  2. Navigate to the bin directory of the XOG client and issue the command xog.

    The version number appears.

To see the version number of CA Clarity PPM

  1. Log in to CA Clarity PPM.
  2. Click About in the User toolbar at the top of the screen.

More information:

Run the XOG from the Command Line

FIPS 140-2 Mode Setup

FIPS 140-2 is a standard that describes the U.S. federal government requirements for encrypting sensitive data. If you are using the XOG client in a FIPS 140-2 mode (-fipsenabled=true) while using an IBM JVM, additional setup is required. You must add the FIPS approved IBM JCEFIPS and IBMJSSEFIPSProvider2 providers to the provider list found in the JVM file.

Provider entries in the JVM file should appear similar to those shown here:

To add FIPS approved providers to the Java provider list

  1. Open the file located at <JAVA_HOME>/jre/lib/security/
  2. Add the following IBMJCEFIPS provider entry to the beginning of the list:
  3. If the IBMJSSE provider entry is listed, comment it out. For example:
  4. Add the following IBMJSSEProvider2 provider entry below the IBMJCEFIPS entry if it is not already listed:
  5. Replace the <n> in the IBMJSSE provider entry with a number for the sequence you want the provider to be searched from the list.
  6. Renumber the remaining listed entries so that they are in sequence. Verify there are no gaps in the numbers.

More information:

How to Run the XOG

XOG Client Directories

The following directories are copied to your computer when you run the XOG client installer.


This directory contains the batch files to run the XOG client and the file that can also be used to run the XOG client.


This directory contains the libraries needed to run the XOG client.


This directory contains the XOGService.wsdl file.


This directory contains sample XML read and write files for XOG-supported objects.


This directory contains the XML schemas for XOG-supported objects.

More information:

How to Install the XOG Client

Windows Installation

Cross-Platform Installation

Verify the XOG Client Version

FIPS 140-2 Mode Setup