You can create both personal and project-related action items. This procedure describes how to create a personal action item.
See the Project Management User Guide for more information.
Follow these steps:
The action items page appears.
The create page appears.
Defines the name for this action item.
Defines the description of the action item.
Specifies the priority level of the action item.
Values: Low, Medium, or High
Defines the date the action item is due for completion. If desired, select the hour and minute the action item is due.
Indicates if the action item occurs at regular intervals. If the action item is to occur only once, clear this check box.
Specifies how often the action item to reoccur.
Example: Enter 1 in this field to create a status report each week.
Specifies the time period during which the action item reoccurs.
Values: Days, Weeks, Months, and Years
Indicate the last date on which you want the action item to reoccur.
Indicates how a notification is sent:
Indicates if a reminder email notification is sent to the assigned resource (or resources) when the action item is due.
Defines the amount of time before an item is due that the reminder occurs. For example, enter 15 in this field, and select Minutes in the Units field.
If the Send Reminder check box is selected, this field specifies the unit of time for the reminder.
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