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Missing Time Report


This report lists all resources who have submitted less time than the available hours on their calendar during a specified time period. Also, reports the resources not provided timesheet hours.

Run the report to work with resource management.

Note: See the Resource Management User Guide for more information.

Group By

Indicates the grouping and presenting of information on the report. Select an option from the drop-down.

OBS Unit

Indicates the OBS unit by which the report is filtered.

Resource Manager

Identifies the resource managers whose data displays in the report. Click the Browse icon to select names.

Resource Type

Indicates the category of resource to generate the report. You can select multiple categories.


Indicates the status of resource timesheets to include on the report. You can select multiple statuses.

Time Period

Defines the time period date range to filter the report. To define a Specific Date, click the Select Date icon, or a Time Period relative to the current date from the drop-down.

If you enter a date as a parameter, the application scans all the time periods to find and assign the time period accordingly.


Two pie charts indicate the following:

Report Fields

Displays the number of hours the resource charged during the reporting time period.

Database Tables and Columns:



Displays the number of chargeable hours available for the resource during the reporting time period.

Database Tables and Columns:



Displays the email address of the resource.

Database Tables and Columns:


Displays the number of missing (uncharged) hours for the resource.

Calculation: Available - Actual

Database Tables and Columns:

A calculated field. For more information, see the report SQL statement.

Resource ID

Displays the unique identifier for the resource.

Database Tables and Columns:

Resource Name

Displays the resource being reported.

Database Tables and Columns:



Displays the status of the timesheet for the reporting time period.

Database Tables and Columns:


Time Period

Displays the reporting time period with missed time for the resource. It indicates the start and end dates of the time period.

Database Tables and Columns:


prtimeperiod.prfinish - 1